The following services are currently available at The Centre of Health Sydney.
If you have been referred to us, you probably have some idea of our services. If this is your first to our Centre, a very warm welcome! You do not need a doctor’s or other referral. We are glad to be of service. You are welcome to bring yourself, your family and friends without any referral. If you are concerned about a particular health issue, simply contact The Centre of Health and we can discuss things in advance. This will save you time. If you have been referred to one of our practitioners, you can email or phone us and we will make an appointment at a suitable time.
David Levy Appointments:
Email: David Levy
Phone: 0407 701725
Poonka Govi Appointments:
Email: Poonka Govi
Phone: 0424 730624
Suite 5, 34 East St Five Dock NSW 2046 (entrance at rear of building via Coogan Lane)
David Levy Appointments:
Email: David Levy
Phone: 0407 701725
Poonka Govi Appointments:
Email: Poonka Govi
Phone: 0424 730624