homeopathy at the centre of health sydney
homeopathy at the centre of health sydney

Homeopathy works with your body, stimulating natural healing processes. It is a safe system of medicine, suitable for almost any illness or imbalance. It is effective because it treats you as an individual.

Two people with the same disease may have very different symptoms. One person with a fever may be hot and thirsty, while another may be chilly and sweaty; one will feel apathetic, another will be restless or irritable. These individual physical and psychological reactions indicate the medicine that best suits your condition at the time.

Homeopathic medicines can enhance your general health and mental well being, while at the same time reducing your susceptibility to future ill health. Even small imbalances can be corrected before they develop into serious symptoms.

Given the holistic nature of Homeopathy, emotional and behavioral disorders can also be treated successfully where many other methods may have failed.

How Does It Work?

Homeopathy is based on the idea that what can cause can also cure. A dose of a substance causes certain symptoms when given to a healthy person. When the same substance, prepared in a minute dose, is given to someone suffering similar symptoms it becomes curative.

For example:

  • We all know cutting raw onions can make our eyes water. When prepared as a Homeopathic remedy it can be used to treat hayfever.
  • Too much coffee has been the cause of many sleepless nights. In minute doses it can treat insomnia.
  • Eating the herb Arnica Montana can cause internal bleeding. In minute doses it is used to treat bruises and the effects of injuries.
  • Cantharis, the Spanish fly, if used as an aphrodisiac has unpleasant side effects. Infinitesimal doses can treat many urogenital problems.

The Consultation

Homeopathy is like a landscape painting. The disease being treated is the main feature but it is the background which gives that feature its true significance.
The initial consultation may take an hour so the overall picture of your condition can be drawn. As well as the precise details of your complaint, where it is relevant this may also involve your family history, your reactions to food, weather and temperature, and your emotional and mental state being considered. Follow up consultations are generally shorter.

Homeopathic remedies are made from minerals, salts, plants and some animal products. Each one has a known pattern of action. The homoeopath seeks a similarity between the pattern of a medicine and your individual picture to select your remedy.

Remedies are taken as simple globules which are placed under the tongue until they have dissolved, or as liquid drops.

David Levy Appointments:
Email: David Levy
Phone: 0407 701725

homeopathy practice in the inner west of sydney
naturopathy practice in the inner west of sydney
psychology practice at the centre of health sydney

Suite 5, 34 East St Five Dock NSW 2046 (entrance at rear of building via Coogan Lane)

David Levy Appointments:
Email: David Levy
Phone: 0407 701725

Poonka Govi Appointments:
Email: Poonka Govi
Phone: 0424 730624